Vocational Assessments
Are you are trying to find a career direction or looking for work in a new field or industry? JVS Toronto’s Vocational Assessments give you everything to need to immediately start looking for a job that is right for you.
Our Vocational Assessments help you identify jobs that match your aptitudes, interests, skills and physical abilities allowing you to make realistic decisions to determine your training, education and employment options.
How do I know if I need a Vocational Assessment?
A Vocational Assessment is recommended if you:
- Often think “I wish I knew what I wanted to do,” or need help identifying what you’re able to do.
- Have a learning, developmental or physical disability.
- Have difficulty deciding on post-secondary options.
- Would like to change careers but are unsure of the right fit.
- Need to return to work after an accident or injury.
Looking for career coaching and counselling services? Visit our Career Exploration page.
What you get:
Using specialized tools, we assess your transferable skills, vocational interests, and academic abilities in order to give you:
- A detailed profile of your unique abilities and skills.
- A clear understanding of job options that match your aptitudes.
- A report that clearly identifies jobs and occupations that match your learning profile.
How it works:
- Academic testing tools will discover your academic abilities, such as reading, writing and literacy. This assessment is currently being done remotely.
- Computerized skill testing will measure your employment aptitudes and interests.
- The results of these tests will then be reviewed with you.
- At the end of the review, you will receive our final report. Each report contains the complete results of your vocational assessment and recommends job that match your specific skills and aptitudes.
$1,700. Subsidized payments are available to those who qualify.
Online services available. For more information, contact us at pave@jvstoronto.org. A short conversation with our staff will determine if an assessment is suitable for you.
Psychovocational Assessments
Understanding your learning profile and career competencies with a complete assessment, will help you make realistic decisions about educational, training and career options. A Psychovocational Assessment will give you all the results of a Vocational Assessment, with the addition of an in-depth profile that gives you a fuller understanding of your capabilities.
Currently during the Covid 19 pandemic, the psychoeducational component of the assessment is being done in the office following strict health & safety guidelines.
What you get:
- Academic testing tools will discover your academic abilities, such as reading, writing and literacy.
- Cognitive and memory testing tools discover your intellectual strengths and needs.
- Computerized skill testing will measure your employment aptitudes and interests.
- The results of these tests will then be reviewed with you.
- At the end of the review, you will receive our final report. Each report contains the complete results of your psychovocational assessment and recommends for job that are matched to your specific skills and aptitudes.
How it works:
Using specialized tools, we assess your profile, academic abilities, intelligence, skills and aptitudes in order to help you:
- Understand your learning profiles and vocational aptitudes
- Identify your unique strengths and challenges to occupational success.
- Diagnose learning disabilities, cognitive delays, attentional problems and mental health concerns.
- The diagnosis of a learning disability, ADHD or developmental disability if present.
- A clear understanding of your strengths and challenges.
$4,500. Subsidized payments are available to those who qualify.
For more information, contact us at: 416-649-1600 or pave@jvstoronto.org. A short conversation with our staff will determine if an assessment is suitable for you.