Reviewing your social media profile may be just as important (if not a whole lot more) than preparing a good resume, picking an interview outfit or preparing your interview questions. Your social media presence can directly influence your employment prospects, and can impact on whether employers will find you, and whether they will consider you a good match to the job and the company when they do come across you in their search for candidates.
According to Jobvite, a leading recruiting platform for the social web, employers turn to social media to find, assess and recruit candidates, and they pay close attention to what they see online about potential employees.
Think about your online presence:
- If a potential employer searched for you online — do you know what they might find?
- Are you present on more than one platform? Facebook? LinkedIn? Instagram? Twitter?
- What do your platform choices say about you?
- Do you appear as someone who knows how to use the platforms appropriately and effectively?
- Do employers learn valuable and impressive information about you when they find you online?
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