We don’t need to tell you that interviewing for a new job is stressful. The experience of having to sit down in front of an employer and answering unknown questions can raise the anxiety of even the most confident job seeker. Interviewees worry about what they are expected to say, and whether they will mess up and make mistakes. For an already anxious job seeker, online video interviews brings a whole other level of unnerving challenges. CanPrep has assembled a panel of experts who share their advice on how to prepare for video interviews including:
- Do’s and don’ts during the interview
- What employers focus on during online interviews
- The right way to follow-up after an interview
- Personal success stories of being hired through online interviews
Click on the “Play” button to view the webinar. Due to technical difficulties, sections of this webinar may play without audio. If you have any questions about this topic or the CanPrep program, please contact canprepreferrals@jvstoronto.org
Our Panelists:
Wendy Paradis, President of ACTA
Yana Lebedeva, Lead Developer at Kira Systems (CanPrep Alumni)
Karin Lewis, Employment Counsellor at JVS Toronto
To register for more informative webinars and other services offered by CanPrep, click here.
nkeonye izuka says
Is there a transcript available for this video?
Donna Chabot says
Hi, Thanks for asking. You can download the slides from the webinar and tips for preparing for a video interview here.
CanPrep Webinar Slides and Tips
Hope that helps.