“JVS Toronto not only showed me ‘what,’ but ‘how’ and ‘why’. I now know what my cognitive abilities are… I used this crucial information to build realistic, long-term career goals. I couldn’t have done it alone.”
Nathan* is an accomplished 36 year old with a post-secondary education. He also has a long history of alcoholism, mental health challenges, behavioural issues, and a learning disability.
With no career aspirations and a tendency towards impulsivity and inattentiveness, Nathan was referred to JVS Toronto for a Psychovocational Assessment to examine his aptitudes, interests, skills and abilities, and provide an in-depth psychological profile. The assessment confirmed what Nathan had long suspected – he met the criteria for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and had been living undiagnosed with the condition for the majority of his life.
Nathan finally understood why he struggled with securing employment and did not have clear vocational goals, but the assessment also showed he had the aptitudes to succeed in a variety of careers. JVS Toronto referred him to our longtime partner agency, Ve’ahavta, where he enrolled in their Ve’ahavta Skills Academy (VSA); a career exploration program designed to support individuals experiencing instability due to socio-economic, mental health, and other circumstantial factors. Trudi Rutherford, Manager of Training Programs at Ve’ahavta says, “Our participants benefit from JVS Toronto’s comprehensive employment, vocational assessment, and career services, allowing them to reach their vocational goals and realize their potential.”
With the diagnosis Nathan received through his assessment and the guidance of JVS Toronto and Ve’ahavta, he enrolled in a security guard training program. The training matched his strength and character, and now Nathan is happily employed in the field.
*Name has been changed.
#TogetherWeCan unlock the power of employment.
Identifying that you need help is the first step to improving your life. Last year, JVS Toronto provided subsidies to 172 low income individuals and families who needed assessments and counselling.
With your support, #TogetherWeCan help individuals with developmental, intellectual and mental health challenges, like Nathan, find the right path to meaningful employment.