We may still be in the depths of winter, but if you are hoping to find summer employment, it’s time to start looking. In fact, it’s late – the Government of Canada Summer Jobs program has closed for 2017 already (next time, check the website in August of the year before).
Employers are already looking ahead to the summer, and are already thinking of ways to accommodate staff vacation requests for July and August. Summer hiring happens everywhere, in a range of sectors. These include those obviously related to the season such as amusement parks, summer camps, resorts, and camp grounds, as well as seasonal sectors such as landscaping, tourism, and agriculture. Government post jobs for students in a range of departments, on all three levels, including municipal, provincial and federal.
It’s not just students who benefit from summer hiring — some of the jobs are open to anyone. These jobs may even provide opportunities than might turn into full-time permanent work. [Read more…]